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Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Linguini Parody with White Truffle Cream
Linguini Parody with White Truffle Cream

By Cherie Soria: Serves 6
Inspired by Juliano


1 oz. Dried Porcini Mushrooms
1 cup Filtered Water


8 Medium Zucchini
2 Tsp Himalayan Crystal Salt


1/2 cup Pine Nuts, Soaked 2 hrs, then drained
1/2 cup Cashews, Soaked 2 hrs, then drained
2 Tsp White Truffle Oil (Buy a Good Brand, Refrigerate after opening)
2 Tbsp Lemon Juice
1 Tbsp Nama Shoyu or Wheat Free Tamari
1 Tbsp Raw Agave
1/4 Tsp White Pepper

Add-Ins to Linguini

1 Tbsp Dulse Flakes
1 Tsp Kelp Powder
1/4 cup Kombu, Soaked, Drained, Chopped
1 cup Roma Tomatoes, seeded, finely julienned
1/2 cup Red Onion, finely julienned
1/2 cup Yellow Bell Pepper, finely julienned
1/4 cup Parsley, minced, for garnish (I put it in the dish itself)
1/4 cup Capers
1 Tbsp Fresh Dill


1) Combine dried porcini mushrooms with filtered water. Allow them to soften 1 hour. (Keep the soak water).

2) Use a spirooli to make linguini noodles from the zucchini. Put into a bowl with the himalayan salt. Toss several times. Allow to soften in salt for 1 hour.

3) After 1 hour, drain mushrooms (Use soak water for sauce). Dice the mushrooms (medium to large dice) and set aside.

4) Combine all ingredients for the sauce in a high speed blender. You will need to add some of the mushroom soak water. You want a very thick, creamy sauce.

5) Drain zucchini "noodles" thoroughly. Squeeze the noodles to remove as much liquid as possible -- but be careful to keep noodles intact!

6) Toss linguini, sauce and remaining ingredients. (I use my hands to make sure everything is evenly coated).

7) Garnish with Parsley. (I add the parsley as a part of the recipe. It's up to you.)

Enjoy! A small portion goes a long way! Best with an earthy red wine.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Steve's Raw Salad Dressing
4-5 cloves garlic
Braggs Liquid Aminos to taste
Ginger to taste
Seasame seeds to taste
Sunflower seeds to taste
Mustard seeds to taste
Juice of 2 lemons
Olive oil
Coloidal minerals

Steve's Raw Gazpacho
1 green bell pepper
1 basket cherry tomatoes
4 cloves garlic
1/4 red onion
1 bunch of thyme (remove all stems)
1 bunch of rosemary (remove all stems)
1 1/2 teaspoon salt
Olive oil to taste
1 small jalepeno
apple cider vinegar to taste
juice from 2 lemons
apple juice to taste

Put everything in a food processor and process to desired consistency

Steve's Raw Coco-Curry Super Soup
2 Coconuts -- water and meat
1 bunch tarragon leaves
1/2 bunch mint leaves
8 tablespoons Curry
1/2 cup Bariani's Olive Oil
1/2 teaspoon fennel seed
1/2 handful cashews
1/2 handful macademias
1/4 cup nama shoyu
Juice of one lemon
1 stalk lemon grass diced and mashed
3 cloves garlic
Dash of cayenne pepper
1 cup diced tomatoes
1 cup diced mushrooms
1 cup diced cucumbers

Place everything except the tomatoes, mushrooms, and cucumbers in the blender and blend until smooth. Add the tomatoes, mushrooms and cucumbers and mix.

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Buzzin' Bee Raw Chocolate Milk
1 cup Raw Organic Cows Milk
1-2 heaping tablespoons Fresh Raw Bee Pollen
1 heaping tablespoon Fresh Raw Honey
1-2 heaping tablespoons Fresh Raw Organic Cacao Nibs

The Best Chocolate Milk I have had in a long time...I love the crunch factor! -- The Madd Scientist

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Raw Coleslaw & Maranara
Steve's Yummy Instant Rawmanara
Dried Tomatoes
Cherry Tomatoes
Whole Tomato
Lemon Juice
Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar
Bragg's Liquid Aminos
Bariani Olive Oil
Concentrace Minerals
Jalepeno pepper
I don't have quantities and they are not listed by any sort of progressive proportions because I intuitively created this and checked taste along the way...but this stuff rocks!! Just put everything into a blender and experiment. Have Fun! ~ Steve
Raving RAVEN's RAW Coleslaw
Red cabbage
Small carrots
Whole onion
Bragg's Aminos
Dry mustard
I was recently visiting the Gnome with David Wolfe in Canada. The Gnome's partner, Raven, made for us the most Rawkin Coleslaw ever! I suggest experimenting with proportions since I only have the incredients. Just put everything in a food processor and intuitively create according to your taste! ~ Steve



Theobroma Cacao

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